Osteoporosis is the degenerative disease in which the bones gradually become weaker and weaker causing changes in posture and making the individual extremely susceptible to bone fractures. It is not commonly understood that osteoporosis that is actually caused, in most cases, by calcium loss not calcium deficiency. This debilitating disease afflicts more women than heart disease, stroke, diabetes, breast cancer, or arthritis. Half of all women between the ages of 45–75, show signs of some degree of osteoporosis. Between the ages of 55–70, women typically experience a 30-40% bone loss. Unfortunately, because there are no symptoms, it goes unnoticed until significant loss has occurred. If osteoporosis becomes advanced even an enthusiastic hug can result in cracked or broken ribs.

Recent evidence indicates that osteoporosis often begins early in life and is not strictly a post-menopausal problem. “When our diets contain more protein than we need, the excess is broken down in the liver and excreted through the kidneys as urea. This protein is called BUN, or blood urea nitrogen. Urea has a diuretic action, which causes the kidneys to work harder and excrete more water. Along with the water, minerals are lost in the urine, and one of the most important minerals lost in this manner is CALCIUM… In one long-term study, investigators measured calcium balance in adults and found that when subjects consumed as little as 75 grams of protein a day, even with daily intakes as high as 1400 milligrams of calcium, more calcium was lost in the urine than was absorbed into the body from diet…The deficit must be made up from the body stores of calcium, which are primarily the bones. The end result is calcium-deficient bones that can break with the slightest provocation, such as a sneeze that can crack a rib or a normal step that can break a hip. This condition is called OSTEOPOROSIS…”

– J. McDougall, M.D, “The McDougall Plan,” (1983): pp100-102
– (See References at bottom of page for the rest of sources)

Countries with the highest consumption of dairy products (milk, cheese, butter, etc..): Finland, Sweden, United States, England
Countries with the highest incidence of Osteoporosis: Finland, Sweden, United States, England
– McDougall, John, MD, McDougall’s Medicine (1985), p. 67

Daily calcium intake of African Americans: 1,000 mg
Daily Calcium intake for black South Africans: 196 mg
Hip fracture rate for African Americans compared to black South Africans: 9 times greater
– Calif Tissue Int, 50 (1992), p. 14-18

Early Warning Signs: Gradual loss of height, a stooping or rounding of the shoulders, and generalized aches and pains.

  • We suggest a whole food nutritional supplement like VITAFORCE™ to correct nutritional deficiencies. It contains all natural and highly absorbable quantities of Calcium and Vitamin D, two nutrients abosultely necessary for helping prevent and even reversing osteoporosis. VITAFORCE™ also provides organic whole food nutrients that help prevent calcium loss, and have an alkalizing effect on the blood stream.
  • A study conducted by the Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that women who are vegetarians experience significantly less bone loss than women who consume meat. Eat plenty of foods that are high in calcium such as dandelion greens, broccoli, most dark green leafy vegetables, hazelnuts, kale, kelp, oats, sea vegetables, tahini, tofu, and sesame seeds.
  • Consume whole grains and calcium foods at different times. Whole grains contain a substance that binds with calcium and prevents its uptake.
  • Include garlic and onions in your diet as these foods contain sulfur which is needed for healthy bones.
  • Get regular, moderate exercise.
  • Drink plenty of fresh live juices, especially and dark leaf greens (kale, mustard greens, parsley, dandelion, spinach) and carrot.
Things to Avoid:
  • All Animal Foods: dairy foods (milk, cheese, butter, cream, ice cream), fish, meat, chicken, turkey, eggs, fried and greasy foods, margarine, and all other processed foods and animal derived products from your diet. These foods are laced with chemicals, pesticides, and toxins as well as high levels of saturated fats and protein which deplete stores of calcium from the bones.
  • Caffeine and salt have been linked to calcium loss. Also avoid: tobacco, sodas, sugar, and refined white flour (breads, pastas, cereals- replace with whole wheat pastas, breads, and cereals). These products are extraordinarily destructive to the body.
  • Calcium supplements are synthetic, unnatural, and mostly unabsorbable by the body.
  1. James F. Balch, M.D, Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C, “Prescription for Nutritional Healing,” (1997)
  2. S. Margen, “Studies in Calcium Metabolism, the Calciuretic Effect of Dietary Protein,” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 27(1974): 584
  3. C. Anund, “Effect of protein Intake on Calcium Balance of Young Men given 500mg Calcium Daily,” J Nutr104 (1974): 695
  4. R. Walker, “Calcium Retention in the Adult Human Male as Affected by protein Intake,” J Nutr 102 (1974):1297
  5. J. Cummings, “The effect of Meat Protein and Dietary Fiber on Colonic Function and Metabolism, Changes in Bowel Habit, Bile Acid Excretion, and Calcium Absorption,” Am J Clin Nutr 32(1976): 2086
  6. L. Allen, “Protein-Induced Hypercalcuria: A Long Term Study,” Am J Clin Nutr 32 (1979):741
  7. A. Walker, “Osteoporosis and Calcium Deficiency,” Am J Clin Nutr 16 (1965): 327
  8. R. Mazess, “Bone Mineral Content of North Alaskan Eskimos,” Am J Clin Nutr 27 (1974): 916
  9. “Urinary Calcium and Dietary Protein,” Nutr Rev 38 (1980): 9
  10. W. Robertson, “Should Recurrent Calcium Oxalate Stone Formers Become vegetarians?” Br J Urol 51 (1979): 427
  11. “Diet and Urinary Calculi,” Nutr Rev 38 (1980: 74
  12. H. Anderson, “Fat-Reduced Diet in the Treatment of Hyperoxaluria in Patients with Ileopathy,” Gut 15(1974): 360
  13. B. Brenner, “Dietary Protein Intake and the Progressive Nature of Kidney Disease: The Role of Hemodynamically Mediated Glomerular Injury in the Pathogenesis of Progressive Glomerular Sclerosis in Aging, Renal Ablation, and Intrinsic Renal Disease,” N Eng J Med 307 (1982): 652
  14. J. McDougall, M.D, “The McDougall Plan,” (1983): pp100-102
  15. Abelow, B.J., et al., “Cross Cultural Association Between Dietary Animal Protein and Hip Fractures: A hypothesis,” Calif Tissue Int 50 (1992, p. 14-18
  16. McDougall, John, MD, McDougall’s Medicine (Piscataway NJ: New Century Publishers, 1985), p. 67
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