An area where the lining of the stomach and the tissues beneath, and sometimes part of the stomach muscle itself, have been eroded leaving an open wound inside the stomach. The surrounding tissue is usually swollen and irritated. This affects approximately 10% of the U.S. population. It is caused by improper diet (too much protein from animal foods- The World Health Organization recommends that protein should only be 5% of the daily caloric intake, or about 40 grams.). The digestion of animal foods and excess protein causes large quantities of acids to be produced in the intestines, which over time can increase stomach acidity and lead to ulcers. Steroids, such as those taken for arthritis, and even ascorbic acid (synthetic vitamin C supplements), can contribute to stomach ulcers. Heavy smokers are prone to developing ulcers. Stress and anxiety cause an increase in acid production which can lead to ulcers. Also see acidosis and heartburn. The key is to stop eating excess animal proteins that cause acidity and start eating alkalizing foods that will re-balance the ph in the blood stream.

Chronic burning or gnawing stomach pain that usually begins 45-60 minutes after eating, or at night and is relieved by eating, taking antacids, vomiting, or drinking a large glass of water. Pain may range from mild to severe, it may cause the individual to awaken in the middle of the night. Other symptoms include lower back pain, headaches, a choking sensation, itching, and possible nausea and vomiting.

  • We suggest a whole food nutritional supplement, like VITAFORCE™ to correct nutritional deficiencies. This provides organic whole food nutrients that are incredibly alkalizing which lowers excess stomach acidity and promotes a healing environment for ulcers. For example, Beta-carotene has been shown to significantly reduce the inflammation and lesions of peptic ulcers. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult, (4), July August 1994, p. 20-22
  • Aloe Vera Juice is a good source of pain relief and speeds healing. Drink a ½ cup three times daily.
  • Drink freshly made cabbage juice daily (drink immediately after juicing).
  • Eat plenty of dark green leafy vegetables as these contain vitamin K which is needed for healing as it is likely to be deficient in people with digestive problems.
  • Eat frequent small meals, include well-cooked millet.
  • If symptoms are severe, eat soft foods such as avocados, bananas, potatoes, squash and yams.
  • Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. These foods are full of nutrients that help neutralize the excess acids in the stomach and blood stream.
  • Peppermint can be extremely beneficial for Peptic Ulcers. Archives of Internal Medicine, 56, 1945, p. 88-97
Things to Avoid:
  • All Animal Foods (they produce excess acids which corrode the lining of the stomach: dairy foods (milk, cheese, butter, cream, ice cream), fish, meat, chicken, turkey, eggs, fried and greasy foods, margarine, and all other processed foods and animal derived products from your diet. These foods are laced with chemicals, pesticides, and toxins as well as high levels of saturated fats which have a very damaging a draining effect on the body.
  • Salt, tobacco, caffeine, strong spices, sodas, coffee, sugar, and refined white flour (breads, pastas, cereals- replace with whole wheat pastas, breads, and cereals). These products are extraordinarily destructive to the body.
  • Antacids only mask the underlying problem and are not a good solution.
  1. James F. Balch, M.D, Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C, “Prescription for Nutritional Healing,” (1997)
  2. J. Meyer, et al., “Action of Oil of Peppermint on the Secretion and Motility of the Stomach in Man,” Archives of Internal Medicine, 56, 1945, p. 88-97
  3. W. Rose, “The Amino Acid Requirement of Adult Man, XVI, the Role of the Nitrogen Intake,” J Boil Chem 217 91955): 997
  4. J. McDougall, M.D, “The McDougall Plan,” (1983): pp100-102
  5. V.V. Neliubin, et al., [The Use of Water Soluble Beta-carotene in the Combined Treatment of Patients with Duodenal Peptic Ulcer and Chronic Proctosigmoiditis at Krainka General Health Resort], Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult, (4), July August 1994, p. 20-22
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