The inflammation or obstruction of the bronchi, the breathing tubes that lead to the lungs. Bronchitis can either be acute or chronic. Acute bronchitis is caused by an infection which can be bacterial, viral, chlamydial (vinereal) or mycoplasmal (fungal); typically it is an upper respiratory tract infection. Chronic bronchitis results from frequent irritation from the lungs such as exposure to cigarette smoke or other noxious fumes. Allergies may also be the cause of chronic bronchitis.

The inflammation results in a buildup of mucus plus coughing, fever, pain in the chest/or back, fatigue, sore throat, difficulty breathing, and even sudden chills and shaking.

  • Beta-carotene and vitamin A are necessary for healing and the protection of lung tissue. We suggest a high quality whole food supplement, like VITAFORCE™ that is complete and made from whole foods. Beware that Vitamin A is toxic if from synthetic sources, so it must be from whole foods. Make sure you know what you are getting from the nutritional label.
  • Common Plantain has had some dramatic effects on people with bronchitis. In one study, chronic bronchitis patients treated with Plantain for a 25-30 days had a quick effect on subjective complaints and objective benefits in as many as 80% of the patients, with no side effects. Clinical Trial of Plantago Major Preparation in the Treatment of Chronic Bronchitis], Vutr Boles, 21(2), 1982, p. 133-137
  • Drink plenty of distilled water, about 8 glasses throughout the day (not with meals).
  • Use a humidifier, a vaporizer or even a pan of water placed on a radiator and clean your equipment frequently to prevent bacteria growth.
  • Apply warm, moist heat or a hot water bottle over the chest and back before bedtime to aid in sleeping and reduce swelling.
  • Practice blowing up a balloon a few times daily, one research study showed that after eight weeks of this therapy people with bronchitis were much less breathless.
Things to Avoid:
  • Avoid mucus forming foods such as dairy products, processed foods, sugar and white flour.
  • Do not smoke and avoid second hand smoke.
  • Do not use a cough suppressant because coughing is essential for eliminating mucus secretions. If coughing is persistent or severe enough, consult a healthcare professional as this may be a sign of developing pneumonia. If bronchitis does not clear up in a reasonable amount of time, get a chest x-ray to rule out lung cancer, tuberculosis, or other conditions.
  1. James F. Balch, M.D, Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C, “Prescription for Nutritional Healing,” (1997)
  2. M. Mateve, et al., [Clinical Trial of Plantago Major Preparation in the Treatment of Chronic Bronchitis], Vutr Boles, 21(2), 1982, p. 133-137
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