When Human Immuno Deficiency Virus (HIV)invades key white blood cells (the immune system) called T Lymphocytes and multiplies it causes a breakdown in the bodies immune system which can eventually lead to AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome). Essentially, AIDS is experienced as a series of various illnesses made possible by the initial HIV infection. HIV is a type of virus, known as a retro virus that is spread primarily through sexual or blood-to-blood contact, such as occurs with the sharing of needles by drug users. It can also be spread through blood transfusion (now rare) or the use of blood products such as clotting factors. Many people who are infected with HIV are not even aware they have it, while some people experience a mild flu-like illness within two to four weeks of exposure to the virus, it generally takes at least 2 to 5 years before any symptom of HIV infection appears. During this time the virus begins producing a billion copies of it self each day which, in turn, forces the human immune system to produce the same number of antibodies as a defense against the intruders. Year after year, the body struggles to beat the virus until finally its overworked immune system becomes so depressed, AIDS results.
  • Testing HIV Positive does not mean that one has, or will, get AIDS. HIV is necessary, but not sufficient, to cause the onset of AIDS. In other words, the virus needs help in bringing about immune deficiency.
  • Anyone with HIV or AIDS can make a major contribution to his or her survival and quality of life by getting into an early treatment program, especially a program in which immune enhancement is encouraged. People with HIV or AIDS need higher than normal amounts of nutrients because mal-absorption is a common problem.
  • There are cases of patients who were once diagnosed as HIV Positive and now no longer have the virus present in their bodies.

This is a list of possible symptoms:

  1. A tongue coated with white bumps (Candida)
  2. Prolonged, unexplained fatigue
  3. Swollen glands (Lymphnodes)
  4. Unexplained fever lasting more than 10 days
  5. Excessive sweating, especially at night
  6. Unintentional weight loss
  7. Skin rashes or lesions of various types

These symptoms can be related to any number of illnesses so being tested by a professional healthcare practitioner is the only way to be sure.

  1. The mineral Boron has been shown to inhibit HIV-! Protease.
    Good sources of Boron include: apples, carrots, grapes, vegetables, nuts, pears, and whole grains. International Conference on AIDS, 9(1), June 6-11, 1993, p. 230
    Vitamin A has been investigated by numerous studies with the following results
    1. Vitamin A deficiency is a serious risk for the progression of disease in those affected with HIV-1. Archives of Internal Medicine, 153(18), September 27, 1993, p. 2149-2154
    2. 50 adult injection drug users who died from AIDS were matched to 235 controls who survived. Results found that Vitamin A deficiency were associated with higher mortality among the drug users. Journal of Infectious Disease, 171(5), May, 1995, p. 1196-1202
    3. Vitamin A supplementation showed a significant increase in the number of lymphocytes (immune cells). International Conference on AIDS, 5, June 4-9, p. 663
    4. HIV patients supplementing Beta-carotene experienced a decrease in the progress toward AIDS, as well as recoveries from anathenia, fever, nocturnal sweating, diarrhea, and weight loss. Medical Oncology Tumor Pharmacotherapy, 9(3), 1992 p. 151-153
  2. The B Vitamins also are extremely important in fighting HIV & AIDS:
    1. Vitamin B1inhibited 90-98% of HIV-1 production in chronic infected cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 205(1), November 30, 1994, p. 967-975
    2. Vitamin B6 significantly improves the function of the immune system. International Conference on AIDS, 6(2), June 20-23, 1990, p. 432
    3. Vitamin B12 significantly improved cognitive function in HIV infected patients. International Conference on AIDS, 6(2), June 20-23, p. 97
  3. Vitamin C has also been shown to be extremely effective in fighting HIV & AIDS:
    1. Vitamin C exerts an inhibitory effect on HIV by causing impairment of enzymatic activity. Chem Biol Interact, 91(2-3), June 1994, p. 207-215
    2. Vitamin C can lead suppress AIDS symptoms and, in large enough doses (50-200 grams per 24 hours) even lead to a clinical remission (it is very important that you not use synthetic Vitamin C in these amounts as this can be very destructive to the lining of the stomach). Medical Hypotheses, 14(4), August 1985, p. 423-433
    3. Vitamin C has the ability to suppress virus production and cell fusion in T-lymphocytic cells infected with HIV. Proc National Academy of Science USA, 87(18), September, 1990, p. 7245-7249
  4. Vitamin E has been shown to decrease the progression of disease in AIDS. Prog Food Nutr Sci, 15(17(4), October-December 1993, p. 351-375
  5. Researchers are studying the effects of Spirulina as a potential weapon in the fight to cure AIDS. Initial studies indicate these compounds tend to prevent the AIDS virus from attaching to or penetrating cells. VITAFORCE™ is very rich in the world’s most high quality Spirulina from Hawaii.
    1. Herbal detoxification products may be helpful in cleaning out thousands of toxins and poisons in your liver, gallbladder, kidneys, and digestive tract. These detox products help remove aluminum, other heavy metals, and thousand of other toxins and poisons which have been shown to have an overall significant depressing effect on the immune system. For more information, please see our herbal products from the menu at he top of the page.
    2. Eat a minimum of 75% raw foods as well as plenty of organically grown fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes, including lentils, beans, seeds, brown rice, millet, bananas, all berried, peaches, apples, melons, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, pumpkin, squash, and yams.
    3. Consider doing a fast for 3-5 days a few times a month. Fasting enables the body to focus in invading infections instead of constantly using up valuable resources to digest food. It is also extremely detoxifying and enhances the immune system. Consume only distilled water, a high qualit nutritional supplement, and “live” (just squeezed) juices: Juicing is extremely beneficial for supplying a high quality, rich source of nutrients. Particularly helpful will be the combination of the following juices, kale, spinach, beet greens, beetroot, carrot, garlic and onion. Take this drink three times a day.
    4. Aloe Vera Juice contains Carrysyn, which appears to inhibit the growth and spread of HIV. Take 2 – 3 cups daily. If diarrhea occurs reduce the amount.
    5. Eat 3-6 cloves a day of organic, raw garlic, the strongest anti-viral food known; it kills many viruses on contact and has a significant effect on improving the immune system. Appl Environ Microbiol, 62(11) November 1996, p.4238-4242 AND International Conference on AIDS, June 4-9, 1989, p. 466
    6. Always use a condom and spermicide for any sexual contact. Never use petroleum jelly (Vaseline), instead use only a water-based lubricant such as K-Y Jelly. Be aware that even this is not a guarantee against the transmission of HIV.
Things to Avoid:
  • All Animal Foods: dairy foods (milk, cheese, butter, cream, ice cream), fish, meat, chicken, turkey, eggs, fried and greasy foods, margarine, and all other processed foods and animal derived products from your diet. These foods are laced with chemicals, pesticides, and toxins as well as high levels of saturated fats which have a very damaging a draining effect on the immune system and the rest of the body.
  • Salt, tobacco, caffeine, sodas, coffee, sugar, and refined white flour (breads, pastas, cereals- replace with whole wheat pastas, breads, and cereals). These products are extraordinarily destructive to the immune system and the body.
  1. James F. Balch, M.D, Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C, “Prescription for Nutritional Healing,” (1997)
  2. T. Abdullah, et al., “Garlic as an Antimicrobial and Immune Modulator in AIDS,” International Conference on AIDS, June 4-9, 1989, p. 466
  3. A.D. Pivazyan, “Boron Modified Peptides as Inhibitors of HIV-1 Protease,” International Conference on AIDS, 9(1), June 6-11, 1993, p. 230
  4. R.D. Semba, et al., “Increased Mortality Associated with Vitamin A Deficiency During HIV-1 Type Infection,” Archives of Internal Medicine, 153(18), September 27, 1993, p. 2149-2154
  5. R.R. Watson, et al., “Immunostimulatory Effects of Beta-carotene on T-Cell Activation Markers and NK Cells in HIV Infected Patients,” International Conference on AIDS, 5, June 4-9, p. 663
  6. R.D. Semba, et al., Vitamin A Deficiency and Wasting as Predictors of Mortality in HIV Infected Injection Drug Users,” Journal of Infectious Disease, 171(5), May, 1995, p. 1196-1202
  7. A. Bianchi-Santamaria, et al., “Short Communication: Possible Activity of Beta-carotene in Patients with the AIDS Related Complex: A Pilot Study,” Medical Oncology Tumor Pharmacotherapy, 9(3), 1992 p. 151-153
  8. S. Shoji, et al., “Thiamine Disulfide as a Potent Inhibitor of HIV (Type 1) Production,” Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 205(1), November 30, 1994, p. 967-975
  9. E. Mantero-Atienza, et al., “Vitamin B6 and Immune Function in HIV Infection,” International Conference on AIDS, 6(2), June 20-23, 1990, p. 432
  10. M.K. Baum, et al., “Vitamin B12 and Cognitive Function in HIV Infection,” International Conference on AIDS, 6(2), June 20-23, p. 97
  11. S Harakeh, et al., “Mechanistic Aspects of Ascorbate Inhibition of HIV,” Chem Biol Interact, 91(2-3), June 1994, p. 207-215
  12. R.F. Cathcart RF, III, “Vitamin C in the Treatment of AIDS,” Medical Hypotheses, 14(4), August 1985, p. 423-433
  13. S, harakeh, et al., “Suppression of HIV Prelication by Ascorbate in Chronically and Acutely Infected Cells,” Proc Natl Acad Sc USA, 87(18), September, 1990, p. 7245-7249
  14. O.E. Odeleye and R.R. Watson, “The Potential Role of Vitamin E in Tthe Treatment of Immunologic Abnormalities During AIDS,” Prog Food Nutr Sci, 15(17(4), October-December 1993, p. 351-375
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